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How to Earn Money on YouTube

Youtube is really source of income for everyone who have real interest in making videos. You can make videos of your own but should be trustworthy, realistic, useful. You need to choose right category and good stories to make videos to start earning money online from youtube.It’s easy and quick way to make money. Below  below steps how to start making money from Youtube. You’ve probably heard stories about  regular  people earning  money on YouTube Follow this guide to get your videos monetized and start earning revenue off  of  those YouTube ads.

How to Earn Money on YouTube

Steps to start in youtube

  • ·         Set up your channel.
  • ·         Create videos of your own
  • ·         Upload video content.
  • ·         Gain audience  views to your videos.
  • ·         After  reaching 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers.
  • ·         You are eligible to  monetize  your Videos.
  • ·         Set up Google AdSense account.
  • ·         Publish your videos in social media to gain more views.
  • ·         Become aYouTube partner.

The Wall Street Journal reported that PewDiePie (A famous youtube channel) earned $4 million in 2013 alone.
Next year, the Swedish magazine Expressen reported that it’s production company, PewDie Productions AB, earned around $7.5 million in 2014, most of their revenue was from their youtube channel.


Create and build your YouTube channel.

  1. To start, open with your Gmail account.
  2. Click on the bar beside the Youtube logo on the left corner.
  3. Click on My Channels from the drop down menu
  4. A box with heading ‘Set up your channel on YouTube’ will appear, with your name highlighted. 
  5. Update channel with your personal information. 
  6. Create your account or use your existing one. Add keywords to help people find your channel. You can add  keywords by navigating to the Advanced section of  your  Channel Settings. Make sure that your keywords are relevant to your content.
  7. Your  user name can also work for or against you. If  it’s short, easy to remember, and original, people will be more apt to remember you. However  if you are using an existing account, you can always change your username  by editing  it on your Google+ account.
Create Content by choosing right  Niche
Try to upload content that is high quality, and isn't super long. (This option can vary depending on what type of content you decide to upload) Also try to upload regularly and stay consistent with your uploads.
List of Categories in Youtube
  • Auto & Vehicles
  • Beauty & Fashion
  • Comedy
  • Education
  • Entertainment
  • Family Entertainment
  • Film & Animation
  • Food
  • Gaming
  • How-to & Style
  • Music
  • News & Politics
  • Nonprofits & Activism
  • People & Blogs
  • Pets & Animals
  • Science & Technology
  • Sport
  • Travel & Events

Create Content by choosing right  Niche

  • Even if your content isn't great at first, keep at it. Practice makes perfect. Try to make each video better than the last. You will often learn as you go. 
  • Improve your content by either using a better camera or trying better editing software or techniques. Also try to improve the way things are filmed. Use a tripod, have a friend help you or light your scenes better. It all helps for a better end product which in turn helps you get a better audience. 
  • By uploading regularly you can help hold an audience. People are more likely to subscribe if you add content on regular schedule, and maintain that schedule as much as possible. 
  • Make sure to tag your videos with key words that describe the content, as well as an eye-catching description. These will help drive people to your video from YouTube searches.

Gain audience  views to your videos

Create Content by choosing right  Niche

Building an audience is key to increasing your monetization. You need people to watch your ads in order to make any money off of them. There is no one secret to getting more subscribers, just make the best content that you can and they will come to you.
Keep uploading content and try to get people hooked. Send your video out on Twitter and Facebook. Share it with people. Distribute it elsewhere on the internet. Subscribers are essential to becoming a partner. 
Interact with your viewers by responding to comments and making occasional videos directly related to viewer comments and questions. Connecting with your community will bring more members into that community.

After  reaching 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers
Recently google changed the monetization policy that if you want to monetize to make money from your content and videos. First you need to reach a maximum of 4000 watch hours and 1000 Subcribers to start earning from the Youtube.
You can monetize a video as it uploads by clicking the Monetization tab and checking the “Monetize with Ads” box. 
To monetize a video after it has been uploaded, open your Video Manager and click the “$” sign next to the video that you want to monetize. Check the “Monetize with Ads” box.

Monetize your videos

Monetize your videos

In order to start earning money on your videos, you’ll need to enable monetization. This means you are allowing YouTube to place ads in your video. This also means that you acknowledge that there is no copyrighted material in your video.
    • Go to and click "My Channel" on the webpage.
    • Click the link called "Video Manager" on the top bar.
    • Click channel and Enable on monetization.
Set up Google AdSense account 
Set up Google AdSense account

You can set up Google AdSense for free at the AdSense website. Click the Sign Up Now button to begin creating your account. You must be 18 years or older to create your own account. If you are younger than that, you will need an adult to help you.
You need either PayPal or a bank account and a valid mailing address as well as other information so AdSense can verify who you are and who to send the money to. You only gain money per ad click and a smaller amount per view but it adds up over time. This is why having an audience is key.

Set up Google AdSense account

Check your analytics 
Once you have some videos online, monetized, and being viewed, you can check out the analytics on them to see how they are performing. Click the Analytics option in your Channel menu. Here you can view estimated earnings, ad performance, video views, demographics and more.
Use these tools to see how your content is resonating with your audience. You can change your content or your marketing if you’re finding that you aren’t attracting the users that you want to.

Publish your videos in social media to gain more views 
Don't put your videos just on YouTube! Start a blog, make a website or post them on other video or social media sites. The more views it gets, the better. By sharing the link or embedding the video on the internet, you are increasing the chance of it getting noticed.

Become a YouTube partner

YouTube Partners are YouTube members who have monetized videos with a large number of viewers. Partners gain access to more content creation tools, and can win prizes for the number of viewers they have. Partners also get access to much more community support and tips.
You can apply for YouTube partnership at any time through the YouTube Partner page. In order to gain access to the most powerful Partner programs, you need to have 15,000 cumulative watch hours for your channel over the last 90 days.

Increase your YouTube revenue with service allows to easily create polls & quizzes for free. Just create a question for your subscribers and invite them to answer it. The more people visit pages you created on, the more you earn. This is a great way of getting feedback from your audience (you can ask for ideas for new videos and so on) and increase your earnings at the same time.

Use Best Tools for Videos

If I ask you, how will you make a video? The first name which will pop up in your mind will be Mobile. Mobile (means smartphone here) is indeed the best option during your initial days when you are not earning money and all you have is your savings.

There is no doubt that you can record a good video from your mobile phone, but if you want to record a good quality video, you must buy a webcam. And gradually you should hire a professional video maker. 
There are free tools which every Youtuber must use.

Tool #1. Google Keyword Planner

A keyword planner helps you to choose those keywords as hook, which people who are searching for on search engine, will come to your video following their search. You must choose the keyword (most of the times title of your video) wisely to get organic audiences.

Tool #2. Evernote

While recording your video, you have to speak a lot and anything spoken wrong will lead to further editing or if left, it can send a bad impression to your audiences. With evernote you can note all the main points you have to speak with a slight detail. And your data can be accessed from any device, at any place if you have an internet connection.

Tool #3. Text to Speech app

Sometimes only watching videos are not sufficient for your audiences to get what you speaking into it. In that case you will have to type your speech word by word. Or you have to invest some money to hire a person who will do this for you. But by TTS, all you have to do is play your video and put the microphone of your mobile near the speaker and putting on the TTS on your phone. This will convert all your voice into text (yes with some error but still a much large part will be covered). Just edit it once and your subtitles are ready.

Tool #4. Picture editing tool

(PicMonkey, Canva, Pablo of Buffer): Every video contains some images to make the people understand more clearly but every pic that you take is not necessarily perfect. With these few pic editing tools you can make your pic more engaging.

Tool #5. Social media campaign 

(Buffer): Buffer is a social sharing and scheduling application. Once you are ready with your video, share it on and on, on every social media channel (as we have discussed initially). To do this, you are not always available. So you just schedule all your social media campaigns in one sitting on Buffer all for a whole week. Now if you do not get time, or you were busy somewhere, then also your campaign is running in full pace, uninterrupted.

Tool #6. Tube Buddy

Adding annotations or cards to your videos is made easy with this browser based tool. The thing that most attracts me towards this tool is, the search function. As we can Find and Replace a particular phrase on word processor, so can be done into a video with this tool.

Tool #7. Analytics

(Socialblades- free, Vidooly- paid): Analysis is necessary for any campaign to be successful. These tools will help in optimizing the youtube traffic and to know exactly, where the campaign is hitting and where is it loosing . Yes it can tell you what time is best to tweet or do a facebook post or schedule a post on any other social platform which will tell people that you exist and they will come to your channel, following your that post back.
Apart from these tool, there are many tools in competition with them and few other types of tools which can help you in improving your channel content and viewership. I read a medium post on 28 tools for youtubers and it is worth reading.
Promotion of a video starts with your content idea itself. People have a tendency to share their innovation with their loved ones and the loved ones to their loved ones. Saying that when you start making a video, people around you become curious about the completion of your project.
These people are your initial viewers. Start promotion with expanding this thought to your marketing strategy and thus it will be your first step:
  • Social Currency: It’s an old African saying that “It takes a whole village to raise a child”. To make your video go famous, it must be liked and shared by your social circle. This is your Social Currency, which will multiply at the latter stage. To earn social currency, share, what you have created, with all the people you know. Engage them by sending e-mails, tweets, Facebook shares, LinkedIn and every source you are using now.
  • Time to expand: Use as much video platforms as you can. Go find your audience on Dailymotion, Vimeo and Flicker. Use these platforms too, to get shared. This will strengthen your channel’s popularity, and if you drop your channel link with your video, people will come tied with that link to your youtube channel. (It has one more benefit. If you will put your youtube channel’s link on other platforms, it will be a Dofollow link. This Dofollow link will increase your channel’s PA and it will rank better in search result).
  • Social Appearance: Let people on the internet know that you are doing something. Increase your social presence. Explore your idea everywhere into the social platforms, and expand your presence to different platforms you are not using like Google+, Reddit, Myspace and Quora.
  • SEO: Focus on SEO strategies and let your channel get listed on top of every search related to your niche. Although nowadays people have different opinions for SEO, but this is a thing that does not deserve to be get ignored. If you can afford time and strategies, you must go for SEO optimization of Youtube Channel.
  • Mutual Collaboration: ‘You refer my content, and I will do the same for you’.
·  Once you have few viewership, from the above steps, ask channel within your niche (but not your direct competitor) to advertise for your channel, or you collaborate with them to get visibility to their audience. This way you will accumulate their audience, and you can also do this for them (or you can support them in some other way. Do not worry, they will ask your support when they will need it. It is completely a “Give and Take” relation).
·  Paid Advertisement: You can use the paid promotion system of Facebook, Twitter or youtube to promote your channel on social media. You can also opt for paid youtube promotions, called Youtube Ad Campaign. But it is not advisable to go for paid services into your initial days. Once your incoming viewership gets saturated through all the previous steps, then you must go for paid campaign.
But earning from youtube is not limited to CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impression), you can make money on youtube by many more methods.
Ideally, there are five ways which have proven, with time, to be the best methods to earn money on youtube.
  1. Advertising: (Obviously CPM, I have included it here to show you all at one place) Youtube ad revenue sharing is the highest opt method for earning money on youtube. You can link your youtube channel with Adsense (Detail below) and enable Adsense ads on your videos. Now for every view on your channel, you will get 55% of the ad revenue. Youtube keeps the other 45%. On an average you make $1 to $2 for 1000 views on your video.
  2. Affiliate Marketing: Giant marketing agencies are not completely dependent on their own channel of content distribution. They pay a good amount to the channels who already have a fan base. This can be done in simple steps. Approach any affiliate marketing agency in your niche, show them your audience and when they agree, link one of their products into your video description. The marketing agency will pay you a decent cut from every conversion. This amount can be anything from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1000 for every conversion through your link.
  3. Direct Promotion: Widely used as sponsorship. The advertising company pays you a fixed amount for their collaboration with your youtube channel. You can call it another form of affiliate marketing with a slight difference. Here you will have to show a description of their products into your video. In exchange , they will pay you certain amount which can vary from Rs.5,000 to any amount you are able to charge depending on your popularity.
  4. Paid Videos: Paid youtube videos are emerging as a unique and high gross source of income. Here you give highly valuable information to your audience by charging them with a price tag on the video. This way, you do not have to share any revenue with anyone i.e. all that you make is yours.
  5. Crowdsourcing: Like Wikipedia, there are many non-profit websites which give every information for free and they do not put any ad to earn revenue. But to keep the website working, they need money. So they ask their audiences to donate money for their expenses. Like that, you can also give free information to anyone and ask them for a favor. Believe me, people donate a huge amount to these channels.

How to make money from Youtube

10 Effective Yoga Poses For elders

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Effective Yoga Poses For elders

10 Effective Yoga Poses For elders

  1. Yoga, as a disciplined method for attaining a goal;
  2. Yoga, as techniques of controlling the body and the mind;
  3. Yoga, as a name of one of the schools or systems of philosophy
  4. Yoga, in connection with other words, such as "hatha-, mantra-, and laya-," referring to traditions specialising in particular techniques of yoga;
  5. Yoga, as the goal of Yoga practice.
To make it easier for you, join a yoga class that has been designed exclusively for people like you. By kicking off a gentle session, you will be able to keep your stress levels at bay and start becoming active and fit too.  

Yoga Asanas are really a good start for everyone. Beginning you day with a exercising is a excellent way to kick start you strength and adrenaline to take on the day.  Starting your morning with a yoga routine is a effective way to center your self and connect your mind and frame, setting a peaceful tone to be able to comply with you during the day.

Standing Forward Bending Pose (Uttanasana)

Standing Forward Bending Pose (Uttanasana)

 Uttanasana, Intense Forward-Bending Pose, Intense Stretch Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Standing Forward Fold Pose, or Standing Head to Knees Pose is an asana.
A mild inversion pose, this is commonly used to combat osteoporosis as well as menopause. A gentle hamstring and hip stretching exercise, it eases your stress levels too.

Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)

Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)


Virabhadrasana I or Warrior 1 Pose is an asana commemorating the exploits of a mythical warrior. Strengthen your legs and hips with standing yoga pose. Just make sure that your hips are squared to the front and not to the side. This ensures that your hips are stronger. A wholesome and holistic energizing pose, it improves your breathing potential too.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana ) 

Mountain Pose (Tadasana )

Tadasana and Samasthiti are two names for a common standing yoga posture. is an asana. Depending on the Yoga lineage practiced, Samasthitiḥ and Tāḍāsana may refer to the same asana or two similar asanas.
  • Feet are together or if apart, then the heels and big toes are in one line pointing straight forward.
  • Feet are stretched on the floor, including metatarsals and each individual toe.
  • Stronger and toned thighs, ankles, arms, and abs

Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Downward Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)


Adho mukha śvānāsana, adho mukha shvanasana, downward-facing dog pose, downward dog, or down dog is an asana. it can be done by you with utmost ease. However, if you find it difficult to come all the way on your fours with hips pointing to the ceiling, take the help of a table top. Along with combating your menopausal distress, it is also effective in preventing the onset of osteoporosis.

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)

Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana)


Baddha Konasana, Bound Angle Pose, or Cobbler Pose is an asana. Take care of your hands, joints, legs, and back with utmost care with Baddha Konasana. This pose targets the areas of your body that are more susceptible to pains and aches. Along with strengthening your lower back, it also soothes menopausal complaints.

Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana) 

Seated Forward Bend Pose (Paschimottanasana)


Paschimottanasana, Seated Forward Bend, or Intense Dorsal Stretch is a yoga asana. Together with Padmasana, Siddhasana and Vajrasana, this asana is an accomplished asana according to the Shiva Samhita. Along with helping you combat depression and stress, this pose could actually help you sleep better. It also wards off fatigue and prepares you to deal with menopausal issues in a better way.

Corpse Pose (Shavasana) 

Corpse Pose (Shavasana)


Shavasana is an asana usually done at the end of a yoga practice in which practitioners lie flat on their backs with the heels spread as wide as the yoga mat and the arms a few inches away from the body, palms facing upwards. Wind up your yoga class with this simple, yet powerful yoga pose. It is not just a relaxation pose, but it allows you to create an awareness about your body and breathing pattern.

One Legged Wind Releasing Pose (Ardha Pavanamuktasana) 

One Legged Wind Releasing Pose (Ardha Pavanamuktasana)

Ardha Pavanamuktasana As you exhale, draw both of your knees to your chest. Clasp your hands around them. While holding only your right knee, release your left leg and extend it along the floor. Hold this pose for up to one minute.
It is a powerful, yet gentle stretch offered to the mid and lower back as well as hips. The entire muscles of that region get a good massage and stretch, soothing out the nagging back ache.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a back-bending yoga asana. Give your back muscles a good stretch and strengthen them with this Cobra Pose. Make sure you keep your shoulders relaxed and rolled backwards to avoid injuries. You can keep a block beneath the hands if you need additional support.

Wide-legged Baby pose (Balasana)

Wide-legged Baby pose (Balasana)

Bālāsana, Child's Pose, or Child's Resting Pose is an asana. Balasana is a counter asana for various asanas and is usually practiced before and after Sirsasana. 

 In a kneeling role, decrease your tailbone down among the heels of your feet. Extend your torso and fingers out in front of you, bringing your bellybutton between your thighs, spreading your knees huge.  if you are able, carry your forehead to rest in your mattress retaining this position for 30 seconds to a minute breathing deeply and progressively.

  Best Yoga Poses which can be performed on your Bed


15 Best places to visit in Caribbean Islands

The Caribbean is a region that consists of the Caribbean Sea, its islands and the surrounding coasts. The region is southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central America, and north of South America. Combining adventure with relaxation, hundreds of years of colonial history with enthralling Arawak culture, West Indian spices with European gastronomic flair, honeymooners with hill walkers, budget backpacker haunts with some of the most exclusive hotels on the planet, it’s got something for every type of traveler. It’s got everything from Cuban cigarillos to magma-spouting mountains, not to mention countless airbrushed beaches of pristine sand and shimmering turquoise sea. Best places to visit in Caribbean Islands

From the alabaster-white beaches of St Lucia in the north to the cactus-topped desert inland of the ABC Islands in the south, the windswept coves and surfing reefs of Dominica in the east to the jungle-dressed tips of Cuba and the Antilles in the west, the Caribbean has long been a treasure trove of things to do and see.
Combining adventure with relaxation, hundreds of years of colonial history with enthralling Arawak culture, West Indian spices with European gastronomic flair, honeymooners with hill walkers, budget backpacker haunts with some of the most exclusive hotels on the planet, it’s got something for every type of traveler.

 15 Best places to visit in Caribbean Islands

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda is an independent Commonwealth country comprising its 2 namesake islands and several smaller ones. Positioned where the Atlantic and Caribbean meet, it's known for reef-lined beaches, rainforests and resorts. Its English Harbour is a yachting hub and the site of historic Nelson's Dockyard. In the capital, St. John's, the national museum displays indigenous and colonial artefacts.

Separated by a short gap of sky-blue Caribbean Sea in the midst of the Leeward Islands, the duo that makes up Antigua and Barbuda represent one of the region’s most well-rounded tourist draws.
In St. John’s parish, the small and tight-knit capital of the archipelago, there are cricket grounds and bobbing cruise ships on the horizon, while the slap and click of casino chips is never too far away.




Cuba is a Caribbean island nation under communist rule. It has sugar-white beaches and is dotted with tobacco fields, which play a part in the production of the country's legendary cigars. The capital, Havana, is lined with pastel houses, 1950s-era cars and Spanish-colonial architecture in the 16th-century core, Old Havana. Salsa music plays in the dance clubs and cabaret shows are performed at the famed Tropicana.

A tumultuous past and political penchant for communism has meant Cuba has remained something of an off-the-beaten-track option for travelers in the Caribbean until only recently.
The latest news is a loosening of travel and import restrictions from America, both expected to bring hordes of new tourists to the so-called Pearl of the Antilles.


things to do in Jamaica


Jamaica, a Caribbean island nation, has a lush topography of mountains, rainforests and reef-lined beaches. Many of its all-inclusive resorts are clustered in Montego Bay, with its British-colonial architecture, and Negril, known for its diving and snorkeling sites. Jamaica is famed as the birthplace of reggae music, and its capital Kingston is home to the Bob Marley Museum, dedicated to the famous singer.

Start on the Jamaican north shore, where powdery white sands run their way along the coast from the ivory stretches of iconic Seven Mile Beach, past the sheer-cut Negril Cliffs, through the luxury uber-resorts of Montego Bay, around the gushing Dunn’s River Falls, and out to where famous James Bond Beach gives way to the jungles of Ocho Rios in plumes of swaying coconut palms, juniper bushes, mangrove and tamarind.
Further in the east and the mighty Blue Mountains rise in verdant swathes of jungle, Jamaican boas swinging from the vines and the scents of coffee beans wafting along the undergrowth.

Saint Lucia

things to do in St Lucia


 Saint Lucia is an Eastern Caribbean island nation with a pair of dramatically tapered mountains, the Pitons, on its west coast. Its coast is home to volcanic beaches, reef-diving sites, luxury resorts and fishing villages. Trails in the interior rainforest lead to waterfalls like the 15m-high Toraille, which pours over a cliff into a garden. The capital, Castries, is a popular cruise port.

Instead of settling down to be overgrown by mangrove and palms, it rose and rose, peaking with the mighty duo of the Pitons, or rising to a whopping 950 meters with the jungle-dressed Mount Gimie at its heart.
Then there are the bubbling volcanic springs and mud pools, forever carving and changing the interior of the island around Soufriere.

Turks and Caicos

things to do in Turks and caicos


Turks and Caicos is an archipelago of 40 low-lying coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean, a British Overseas Territory southeast of the Bahamas. The gateway island of Providenciales, known as Provo, is home to expansive Grace Bay Beach, with luxury resorts, shops and restaurants. Scuba-diving sites include a 14-mile barrier reef on Provo’s north shore and a dramatic 2,134m underwater wall off Grand Turk island.

If it’s beaches you’re after (and let’s face it, what traveler to the Caribbean isn’t?), then Turks and Caicos is perhaps the perfect spot.
A peppering of over 300 tiny islets in the midst of the Lucayan Archipelago, many of the TCI (as it’s known for short) are little more than just sand banks or rugged pillars of rock that rise above the waters of Caribbean Sea.
The salt-washed jetties of Cockburn Town might be the capital, but it’s laid-back Providenciales that draws all the crowds.

Virgin Islands of the United States

things to do in virgin islands


Virgin Islands of the United States, is a group of islands in the Caribbean that is an insular area of the United States located 40 miles east of Puerto Rico. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles.

It’s to say they have other things up their sleeve too! A mecca for yachters, the trio of Saint Croix, Saint John and Saint Thomas, together with countless smaller specks of rocky land like Water Island, Thatch Cay and Hassel Island, offer up a pick and mix of little coves and cliff-backed inlets to explore by boat.

Dominican Republic

things to do in dominican republic


The Dominican Republic is a Caribbean nation that shares the island of Hispaniola with Haiti to the west. It's known for its beaches, resorts and golfing. Its terrain comprises rainforest, savannah and highlands, including Pico Duarte, the Caribbean’s tallest mountain. Capital city Santo Domingo has Spanish landmarks like the Gothic Catedral Primada de America dating back 5 centuries in its Zona Colonial district.


things to do in bahamas


The Bahamas is a coral-based archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean. Its 700-plus islands and cays range from uninhabited to packed with resorts. The northernmost, Grand Bahama, and Paradise Island, home to many large-scale hotels, are among the best known. Scuba diving and snorkeling sites include the massive Andros Barrier Reef, Thunderball Grotto (used in James Bond films) and the black-coral gardens off Bimini.

Puerto Rico

things to do in puerto rico


Puerto Rico is a Caribbean island and unincorporated U.S. territory with a landscape of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest. In San Juan, the capital and largest city, the Isla Verde area is known for its hotel strip, beach bars and casinos. Its Old San Juan neighborhood features colorful Spanish colonial buildings and El Morro and La Fortaleza, massive, centuries-old fortresses.


things to do in barbados


Barbados is an eastern Caribbean island and an independent British Commonwealth nation. Bridgetown, the capital, is a cruise-ship port with colonial buildings and Nidhe Israel, a synagogue founded in 1654. Around the island are beaches, botanical gardens, the Harrison’s Cave formation, and 17th-century plantation houses like St. Nicholas Abbey. Local traditions include afternoon tea and cricket, the national sport.

Cayman Islands

things to do in cayman islands


The Cayman Islands, a British Overseas Territory, encompasses 3 islands in the western Caribbean Sea. Grand Cayman, the largest island, is known for its beach resorts and varied scuba diving and snorkelling sites. Cayman Brac is a popular launch point for deep-sea fishing excursions. Little Cayman, the smallest island, is home to diverse wildlife, from endangered iguanas to seabirds such as red-footed boobies

British Virgin Islands

things to do in british virigin islands

The British Virgin Islands, part of a volcanic archipelago in the Caribbean, is a British overseas territory. Comprising 4 main islands and many smaller ones, it's known for its reef-lined beaches and as a yachting destination. The largest island, Tortola, is home to the capital, Road Town, and rainforest-filled Sage Mountain National Park. On Virgin Gorda island is the Baths, a labyrinth of beachside boulders.

Trinidad and Tobago

things to do in trinidad and tobago


Trinidad and Tobago is a dual-island Caribbean nation near Venezuela, with distinctive Creole traditions and cuisines. Trinidad’s capital, Port of Spain, hosts a boisterous carnival featuring calypso and soca music. Numerous bird species inhabit sanctuaries such as the Asa Wright Nature Centre. The smaller island of Tobago is known for its beaches and the Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve, which shelters hummingbirds.


things to do in bermuda

Bermuda is a British island territory in the North Atlantic Ocean known for its pink-sand beaches such as Elbow Beach and Horseshoe Bay. Its massive Royal Naval Dockyard complex combines modern attractions like the interactive Dolphin Quest with maritime history at the National Museum of Bermuda. The island has a distinctive blend of British and American culture, which can be found in the capital, Hamilton.


things to do in Aruba


Aruba, a tiny Dutch Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela, has dry, sunny weather, blond beaches and gentle surf. Constant trade winds bring cool breezes and cause the divi-divi trees to slope southwesterly. European influence shows in architecture that features Dutch gables painted in tropical pastels. It’s also evident in language, with English, Dutch and Spanish spoken alongside the local tongue, Papiamento      
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